Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2025

Budget 2024-2025
Ear Marked Reserves 2024-2025

Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2024
Notice of Public Rights and Publication
Projected Use of Reserved 2023-24
Budget 2023-2024
Asset List March 2024
Annual Internal Audit Report 2023-2024
Written Internal Audit Report
Annual Governance Statement 2023-24
Accounting Statement 2023-24
Explanation of Variances 2023-24
Cash Book for the Current Account
Cash Book for the Reserve Account
End of Year Budget Review

Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2023

Full Internal Auditors Report
Annual Internal Auditors Report 2022-2023
Accounting Statement 2022-2023
Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023
Variances between 2022 and 2023
Cash Book for the old current Account
Cash Book for the old Reserve Account
Cash Book for the new Bank Account
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March 2023
External Auditors Report and Certificate 2022-2023
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 31st March 2023

Parish Council Budget 2022-2023
Asset List – February 2023

Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2022

Full Internal Auditors Report – Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/2022 plus explanations
Accounts – Current Account, Reserve Account, Bank Reconciliation
Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022
Accounting Statement 2021/2022
Quarterly Budget Review April 2021 – June 2021
Notice of Public Rights and Publication
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021/22

Account for Year Ending 31st March 2021

Full Internal Auditors Report – Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021
Accounting Statements 2020/2021
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for the year ended 31 March 2021
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2020/21
Variances – Spreadsheet, Report
Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/2021 plus explanations
Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2021
Notice of Public Rights and Publication for the year ended 31st March 2020 commencing on 14th June 2020 and ending on 23rd July 2020
Accounts – Current Account, Accounts – Reserve Account, Balance Sheet, Actual Budget Spent
Asset List

Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2020

Asset List
Accounts – Excel Spreadsheet
Notice of Public Rights and Publication for the year ended 31st March 2020 commencing on 27th July 2020 and ending on 7th September 2020.
Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/2020
Accounting Statements 2019/2020
Bank Reconciliation ending 31st March 2020
Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/2020
Notice of Conclusion of audit 2019/2020

Accounts for Year Ending 31st March 2019

Notice of Conclusion of Audit Ending 31st March 2019
Annual Governance Statement 2018/2019
Part 1 Audit 2017/2018
Part 2 Audit 2017/2018
Part 3 Audit 2017/2018
External Auditor Letter 2017-2018