Parish Council Meetings are held every six weeks, they are held at the Stoke St Michael War Memorial Hall and start at 7.30pm.

Parish Council Risk Assessment
Management of Meetings at the Memorial Hall

Agendas 2025

Agenda and Supporting Papers – Parish Council Meeting 13th February starting at 7.30pm
Agenda and Supporting Papers – Parish Council Meeting 9th January starting at 7.30pm

Agendas 2024

Agenda extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 12th December starting at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Renewal of the licences for the two auto speed cameras in the parish.

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 28th November starting at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Report on the Defibrillator, Draft Budget 2025-2026, Notes on the Draft Budget, Projected Use of Reserves, Terms of Reference for the Staffing Committee, Grant Application from Stoke St Michael Woodland. Minutes Parish Council Meeting 17th October 2024

Agenda Extra Parish Council Meeting 26th September starting at 7.30pm

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 5th September, starting at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Minutes 18th July, Calculations for the Bridge, Structural Calculations for the Millennium Bridge, Emergency Plan Working Party – terms of reference, Youth Services Working Party – term of reference, Financial Regulations, Quote for removal of a tree from the Churchyard, Update on Devolution of services from Somerset Council

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 29th August, starting at 7.30pm

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 18th July 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Minutes 13th June, Quarterly Budget Review, Grant Application, Structural plans for the Bridge on the Millennium Green

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 13th June 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Request for Maintenance, Minutes Council Meeting 9th May, Minutes Annual Council Meeting 9th May

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 9th May at 8pm

Agenda Annual Council Meeting 9th May at 7.30pm

Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 9th May at 7pm

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 21st March
Supporting Papers: Asset List as at March 2024, Minutes 8th February

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 8th February
Supporting Papers: Community Notice Board, Quarterly Budget Review, Minutes 4th January, Ear Marked Reserves for 2024-2025

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 4th January
Supporting Papers: Minutes 23rd November, Proposal to Purchase an Auto Speed Camera

Agendas 2023

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 23rd November
Supporting Papers: Setting up a Reserve Account, Replacement Bridge, Community Notice Board, Repairs to the wall, Purchase of an Autospeed Camera, Minutes 19th October, Devolution Letter, Contribution towards Community Governance, Budget Notes 24-25, Budget 24-25

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 19th October
Supporting Papers: Repair or Replacement of the Bridge, Quarterly Review July – Sept 2023, Parish Council Allowances Scheme, Draft Budget 2024-2025, Notes on the Budget, Minutes 7th September,

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 7th September
Supporting Papers: Understanding Biodiversity Net Gain, Risk Assessment of Public Areas owned by the Parish Council, Repair or Replacement of the Bridge, Options of fencing at Moonshill, Minutes 22nd August, Minutes 13th July, Grant Application from the War Memorial Hall, Grant Application from Stoke St Michael Community Field, Complying with the Biodiversity Duty

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 22nd August on the Millennium Green, starting at 7.30pm

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 13th July at Stoke St Michael War Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Social Media Policy, Risk Assessment for Public Areas, Results of Parking Survey, Quarterly Budget Review, Minutes from 25th May 2023, Minutes from the Annual Council Meeting 25th May 2023, Grants available from SALC, Grant Application from the War Memorial Hall, Community Funded 20mph speed limits.

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 25th May at Stoke St Michael Primary School, starting at 8.00pm
Supporting Papers: Grant application form Stoke St Michael Woodland, Request for a Memorial Bench, Position of Potential Grit Bin, Minutes 13th April, Grant Application from the Community Field

Annual Council Meeting Thursday 25th May at 7.30pm

The Annual Parish Meeting will be taking place on Thursday 25th May at 7pm in the School Hall, Stoke St Michael Primary School, an agenda will be available on the evening. The meeting will be introduced by the Chairman of the Parish Council, who will deliver a report on the activities of the Council over the past year. This will be followed by representatives from village organisations giving a short presentation. There will then be an opportunity for parishioners to ask questions.

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 13th April at Stoke St Michael Primary School, starting at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Cemetery Fees, Minutes 23rd February, Event Group Grant Application, End of Year Budget Review, Minutes 16th March, Prices for Grit Bins, Cemetery Rules, Baby and Toddler Grant Application,

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 16th March at Stoke St Michael Primary School, starting at 7.30pm

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 23rd February at Stoke St Michael Primary School, starting at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers: Proposal to purchase two new grit bins, Objections to the closure of the Churchyard, Minutes 12th January, Date for Annual Parish Meeting, Asset List, Hire Agreement,

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 12th January 7.30pm at Stoke St Michael Primary School
Supporting Papers: Redacted Grant Application from the War Memorial Hall, Quarterly Review, Projected Use of Reserves, Notes on the Budget, Minutes from 24th November, Draft Budget for 2023/2024

Agendas 2022

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 24th November 7.30pm at Stoke St Michael Primary School
Supporting Papers: Somerset Emergency Community Contacts, Schedule of Green Spaces, Map of Green Spaces, Information on the Green Spaces, Greenspace Response Form, Proposal to Transfer Monies, Minutes 13th October, Civility and Respect Project, Draft Budget 2023-2024

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 13th October 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Table of Cemetery Fees, Strimming Costs, Quarterly Budget and Review, Planning Applications to be noted, Minutes 1st September, Cemetery Rules

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 1st September 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Rural Parishes Survey, Risk Assessment for the Lychgate area, Risk Assessment for Public Areas, Quote for Internal Auditors, Proposal to move Bank Accounts, Minutes 21st July, Fees for the Cemetery, Cemetery Rules and Regulations, Words for the Bench.

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 21st July 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Rewilding Somerset, Quote for Removal of the Hawthorn Tree, Quarterly Review of the budget, Quarterly Bank Reconciliation, Proposal to purchase a bench, Minutes from 9th June

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 9th June 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Tree Survey, Road Closure Information, Proposal to purchase a memorial bench, Minutes Parish Council Meeting 19th May, Minutes Annual Council Meeting 19th May, Equal Opportunities Policy, Grant Application, Asset Register

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 19th May at 8.00pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Rota for Checking the Lychgate, Purchase of Dog Waste Bins, Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting 21st April, Grant Application from War Memorial Hall

Agenda Annual Council Meeting 19th May at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Insurance Policy, Asset Register, Annual Risk Schedule, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Safeguarding Policy, Grants Policy, Volunteer Policy, Dispensation Policy, Code of Conduct, Health and Safety Policy, Email Contact Privacy Notice, Publication Scheme, Public Participation Policy, Freedom of Information Policy, Data Protection Policy, Social Media Policy, Dates of Future Meetings

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 21st April at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Minutes 10th March 2022, Annual Review

Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 21st April at 7.00pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Minutes 6th May 2021

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 10th March at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: Minutes 27th January, Design Code Consultation, Stoke St Michael Consultation Plan, Notes from the Design Plan Group Meeting, Request for a New Dog Bin, Quote for Power Tools, Grant Application from the Baby and Toddler Group, Grant application from the Citizens Advice, Checklist for the Millennium Green

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 27th January at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall

Supporting Papers:- Quarterly Review October to December 2021, Phase 3 Application form for the Village Hall, Minutes 16th December 2021, Minutes 13th January 2022

Agenda Parish Council Planning Meeting 13th January 2022 at 6pm in the War Memorial Hall

Agendas 2021

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 16th December at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers: – Terms of Reference Stoke St Michael Design Code, Minutes Parish Council Meeting 11th November, Quote for Tree Work on Moonshill Road, Budget for 2022-23

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 11th November at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall

Supporting Papers:- Trees in Moonshill Road, Quarterly Budget Review, Report from Quarry Liaison Meeting, Appointment of Internal Auditor, Budget Forecast, Minutes Parish Council Meeting 30th September

Agenda Parish Council Meeting 30th September at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers:-
Safeguarding Policy, Minutes 26th August, Minutes 9th September, Equal Opportunities Policy

Agenda for a Parish Council Planning Meeting – 9th September at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall

Agenda Parish Council Meeting – 26th August at 7.30pm in the War Memorial Hall
Supporting Papers:-
Terms of Reference for the Working Party, Standing Orders, Proposal for setting up a Business PayPal account, Proposal for purchase of a water butt for the churchyard, Proposal for equipment and training for the PPLO, Minutes 26th July, Minutes 8th July, Grant Policy, Grant application for funds towards maintaining the Lychgate, Financial Regulations, Ideas for Community Funding, Code of Conduct Policy, Notes on Climate Change

Agenda for a Planning Meeting – Monday 26th July at 7.30pm at the War Memorial Hall

Agenda for Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 8th July at 7.30pm
Supporting Papers:
Volunteer Policy, Annual Risk Assessment, Grant Application from the War Memorial Hall, Quote for the new floor in the War Memorial Hall, Proposal to replace the village sign on Fosse Road, Proposal for repair and maintenance of the Lychgate, Proposal for EDF to remove charges for parish lighting, Quote for removal of brambles in Mead Close, Minutes from 6th May, Grant Application from the the Baby and Toddler Group, Dispensation Policy, Dispensation Request Form, Dates of Future Meetings, Consider the impact of cars parking on the amenity grass in Moonshill Road, Quarterly Budget Review